565 room for rent in Baltimore County

Call 201-845-7300 for more information. Sublet.com Listing ID 2803475. Subletting my room in a 3 bedrooom apartment at 1400 Eutaw place During June 1 to August 13 . 6 mintute walk from meyerhoff ( just walk straight and you find it ). I will pay for ultites if it is under 50 . I will supply basic furniture for the room and kitchen utensils. my roomies will be there during the time of the sublet and they are friendly folks (both female). The apartment are currently own by seniors they apartment will be clean out and fix by the time of move in I know the pictures dont do it justice. I will be willing to negotiate the price. rent is orignally 565 I will pay 100 of the rent. Please PM for details For more details .



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