Menz Stuff - Mower Blades 10% Off

Menz Stuff (Sales-Service-Parts) This week at Menz Stuff all of our in stock Rotary brand blades are on sale for 10% off We have nearly 1500 blades on our shelves. These blades are Made in the U.S.A. and are ISO-certified. They are the preferred choice of our customers for superior strength thickness durability and of course great price. These are some of the highest quality aftermarket blades you can get and an amazing price to boot. Don t believe us Come see for yourself. Sale will last from now through memorial day. We have blades that will fit most consumer machines and some commercial applications. If you are unsure of compatibility don t hesitate to ask. Please provide us with the model and serial number of the machine you need help with. Be sure to check with us each week for new deals We have been serving the community in central Pasco county for over 15 years at 10619 Land O Lakes Blvd. (US 41) just 1 2 mile south of S.R. 52. If interested have any questions please contact us at Phone 813-996-3710 Fax 813-996-3829 menzstuffshop menzstuff Please keep in mind At the moment we do not accept credit debit only cash and checks (with proper I.D.) and we do not give estimates over the phone for repairs. In order to better serve you English is the spoken language of the shop.Menz Stuff Mower Shop a Veteran owned business. Don t Let the shack fool ya we got parts



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