Nanny for summer

Hello my name is Anji looking for some part time work 4-5 hours 4-5 days week if possible my parents really need me around they are both almost 80 they are not spring chicks anymore. I am 40 years of age I have my Earlychildhood Education (2011) first aid and police check. I have been doing this for 16 great years adore ages 12 months and up.I will clean if there s enough time I am addicted to it would love to take the little one(s) out to playgroups libraries playgrounds etc.. I paint on the side so I love to do arts and crafts come September I might be going back to Algonquin for different courses. Love to learn. I am very reliable always up (at) 6 30 7 00 am without alarm.Very patient also I live in the golden triangle near the Museum of Nature. Barrhaven Orleans is to far to go too. Appreciate your time (no texts please )



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