New 2016 Can-Am Defender DPS HD10 in Camo 1536 BEST PRICE GUARAN

SALE New 2016 Can-Am Defender DPS HD10 Side by Side (SSV) Utility Vehicle (UTV) in Mossy Oak Break-Up Country Camo stock 1536. MSRP 15 849.00CALL TODAY FOR THE BEST PRICE GUARANTEED ONLY AT JIM POTTS MOTOR GROUP Take control with the Defender DPS that features comfortable Dynamic Power Steering (DPS) lightweight wheels and tires adaptable storage Visco Lok and more to make your job easier.Standard Features Heavy-duty Rotax V-Twin engine PRO-TORQ transmission Dynamic Power Steering (DPS) Lockable rear differential and Visco-Lok QE auto-locking front differential TTA-HD rear suspension 12 in. (30.5 cm) cast aluminum wheels with 25 in. (63.5 cm) Maxxis tires 10.4 gal. (39.5 l) storage capacity including 1.7 gal. (6.3 l) water-resistant toolbox VERSA-PRO bench seat Multifunction cargo box with sturdy tailgate Central skid plate Multifunction digital gauge Electronic Hill Descent Control 650W Magneto Integrated front steel bumperStandard Features Heavy-duty Rotax V-Twin engine PRO-TORQ transmission Dynamic Power Steering (DPS) Lockable rear differential and Visco-Lok QE auto-locking front differential TTA-HD rear suspension 12 in. (30.5 cm) cast aluminum wheels with 25 in. (63.5 cm) Maxxis tires 10.4 gal. (39.5 l) storage capacity including 1.7 gal. (6.3 l) water-resistant toolbox VERSA-PRO bench seat Multifunction cargo box with sturdy tailgate Central skid plate Multifunction digital gauge Electronic Hill Descent Control 650W Magneto Integrated front steel bumperDon t let this one get away call today Check out our website Easy hassle-free pricing Great Rates on Financing Low Cost Shipping Right to Your Door Worry-free WarrantyCALL TOLL FREE (855)625-1649 (815)338-0640 Jim Potts Motor Group 1033 Wanda Lane Woodstock IL 60098 Sales(at) All prices subject to taxes and fees while supplies last



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