Six (6) 2010 Brush Bandit 1890xp s for sale

I have six (6) 2010 Brush Bandit 1890xp chippers. 18 inch capacity. 213HP Caterpillar turbo diesel. Auto-feed hydro winch hydro jack hydro swivel discharge full welded in-feed extended tongue and spare tire. Just under CDL at 9600lbs. All hours vary from approximately 3800 - 5900 hours. Meticulously and documented routine maintenance. These chippers are 70k new. We are updating our fleet as the machines have been fully amortized. Great running machines. Come see us for a demo. As you can see from the pictures the paint still has a shine.Price is approximate and varies by machine. Text or call for specifics and do not bother asking me to accept a low offer. The answer is no and I probably won t respond.Financing Available to Qualified BuyersWe Ship NationwideTrades ConsideredVideo Available upon Request No Paypal or Scams



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