6242 King Road Marine City MI 48039 Phone (810) 765-3100 Fax (810) 765-7120 Collision Repair Technician SP Automotive Refinishing is currently looking for a collision repair technician who is willing to work hard and produce good quality work. Must be certified. Must have a good work ethic work well with others and be self-motivated. If you are hardworking and detail oriented this is a great opportunity for you. Responsibilities Include The ability to perform different types of sheet metal welding and metal finishing Pound out small dents with a hammer pick hammer or punch Working in adverse noisy dirty environments De trim vehicle to gain access for repair Remove repair or replace fenders doors and structural panels Fill damaged areas with plastic body fillers File grind sand and smooth filled or repaired surfaces Repairs vehicles per estimate and according to manufacturer standards Check parts against estimate and ensure proper parts are ordered and received Prepares vehicles for body repair work Perform all phases of body repair work including refinishing (Combo guy) Notifies management of any additional repairs needed. Documents and additional parts and labor required to perform a satisfactory repair Maintain a clean and safe work area Maintain a positive work atmosphere by acting and communication in a manner which facilitates the success of business operations in order to meet company demands and expectations. Must be punctual Qualifications and Requirements MUST BE CERTIFIED IN COLLISION REPAIR High School Diploma or GED or graduation from trade technical school education Maintain a valid driver s license with a clean driving record



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