Tea Estates are Ready to Sell in North Bengal

Dooars has been long considered to be one of the most economically viable parts of West Bengal and the tea industry has a big say in the same. For investors in India Dooars is one of the prime destinations to get tea estates at very commendable prices. The tea garden industry in West Bengal has been witnessing good growth in the last few years despite the various political issues and other concerns and there s plenty of potential to get big profits out of the investments. We intend to help our investors to cash on the same with dedicated services. Our Garden price starting from 70 Lakhs up to 15 Cr both shade garden and without shade garden. For more Details- Name Deb Chatterjee Email info(at)aslogtech.com Ph 91-9830694705 91-9007008366 Agent or any Agency Please Excuse.



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