Profitable Business Through Tea Estates in Darjeeling

Some of the tea gardens in the Darjeling and Dooars region are also tourist hot spots with properties being sold with resorts tree houses and other accommodation options to encourage more tourists. Most of the Darjeeling teas are marketed for its flavors and for investors it is ideally perfect to gain the best of both worlds. Tea gardens sales are also being supported by many financial institutions banks and individual lenders who are helping investors gain the best deals with dedicated lending. With the huge prospects of the tea estate industry in Darjeeling Dooars buying a tea garden here is quite a safe and profitable deal for years ahead.Our Garden price starting from 70 Lakhs up to 15 Cr both shade garden and without shade garden For more Details-Name Deb ChatterjeeEmail info(at)aslogtech.comPh 91-9830694705 91-9007008366 Agent or any Agency Please Excuse.



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