1964 Pontiac Bonneville Convertible

1964 Pontiac Bonneville Convertible 27 900.00 - The car is located in Seattle Washington but we ship very competitively to the Phoenix Area during the winter months.This is an absolute vision of beauty especially for a vehicle that is 54 years-old. These are very unique and sought after Pontiac s and are a pleasure to drive and cruise in.It is powered by a strong 389ci V-8 with 4bbl carburetor automatic transmission and original rear-end. The drive-train has been completely gone through and the car runs and drives like a top. If you have never driven one it is really a treat from all the looks and thumbs up to the overall ride and performance There have been a few upgrades under the hood and a couple things to button up to bring it to all original (if that is what you are seeking) but they have been factored into the price and do not detract from how incredible the car is.Outside the car is about as near to perfect as a car this age can be. The paint is in excellent condition and all the chrome and bright work are too. The top is in great shape as is the boot cover on the back. The wheels wire caps are clean and ding free and the radial tires are like-new. The trunk is just as it looked when it left the dealership including a full spare tire and jack.The interior is immaculate from being redone and just screams class with all of the chrome and stainless. It is equipped with a very rare bucket seat console combination including the built-in manifold vacuum indicator showing fuel performance. The seats have no rips or tears anywhere the carpet is in excellent condition it has a full set of working gauges (with the exception of the clock when car is off) original AM radio and an aftermarket cruise control system that works great. The heater core has been bypassed but the blower system works fine although missing one setting on the fan. This is in the process of being repaired.We really can t say enough about this convertible. If you are a Pontiac or just a big GM convertible lover you cannot go wrong with this car. It is being offered at an extremely fair price for one of the finest examples of a rarely optioned Bonneville at only 27 900.00 or 299.00 per month with a 20% down payment and approved credit. Don t let this one slip by A FULL PICTURE SET OF THE CAR IS AVAILABLE AT www.bobosrodsandcustoms.com 1964-pontiac-bonneville-convertible



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