Looking for a Female Roommate Mountain View May 1st

I am looking for a female professional roommate. If you are interested message me with your information (bio and life style). -Place Mountain View near Rengstorff and Middlefield 2 bedroom 1.5 bathroom in 2 story complex with a patio rent 1295 month internet utilities usually around 60-120 month person depending on the season deposit 1000 at least 1-year or longer stay Washer Dryer in the complex area 1 car parking spot unit you can have it your room will be a larger one with a walk-in closet (total rent is 2345 but your rent is 1295 based on that) your room is not furnished living room has a couch a dining table set room lamps Move in date The lease starts on May 1st (possible to be a little later around May 10th) move in date is flexible No pets no drug no party no smoking No overnight guest alternatively clean the common area on weekends take off shoes inside -About you quiet and tidy have professional job have common sense -About myself I am a postdoc at Stanford working in School of Medicine. I am from Japan now live in the U.S. for 5 years. I work in the lab very long on weekdays. On weekends I go hiking backpacking or work in the lab so I don t spend a lot of time at home. Light cooking. I am quiet and tidy I don t watch TV no alcohol no smoking no parties no drug no overnight guest I can show you the place if you are interested. You need to go to a leasing company in San Jose to sign the lease so if you are not yet in this area it is hard to get approval to move in. Once you sign the lease I will need the first month s rent to secure a spot.



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