1969 Pontiac Firebird Convertible

1969 Firebird Convertible 39 999.00 - Car is located in Seattle Washington but we ship very competitively to Los Angeles frequently.The Pontiac Firebird is an American automobile built by Pontiac from the 1967 to the 2002 model years. Designed as a pony car to compete with the Ford Mustang it was introduced February 23 1967 the same model year as GM s Chevrolet division platform-sharing Camaro. This one is nearly all original and is a numbers matching highly sought-after convertible in incredible condition.This Bird gets it s power from the original 400ci V-8 pulling 325 horsepower coupled with a 4-speed Hurst shifter (new clutch) and the original rear-end that is geared to 3.23 putting plenty of power to the pavement while making it nice to drive down the freeway too. It is equipped with the Ram Air hood option providing functional hood scoops if opened an exterior hood tachometer higher flow heads with stronger valve springs and a different camshaft. Power for the Dual Scoop Ram Air package was the same as the conventional 400 H.O. but the engine peaked at a higher RPM. The engine looks great with its chrome air cleaner head covers and dual exhaust tips. It is all tuned and ready to go Outside the car has an excellent show quality paint job done in a deep burgundy color with flake. The black power top is in good condition with no leaks a brand new boot cover and all the chrome emblems glass on the car are in excellent shape. It sits on like new radial tires and PMC rally wheels. The power brakes give it plenty of stopping power and just completes the whole package making this car a treat to drive Inside you will fine freshly covered black vinyl seat original carpet and all the door panels dash and trim are in great condition. The original radio is not working but there is a Audiovox AM FM Cassette in the glove box which could be easily replaced with a Bluetooth unit at our wholesale cost if so desired.This is a highly desired convertible Firebird putting out big-time horsepower that needs nothing but to put the key in and go It is being sold in our showroom at 39 999.00 or 432 per month with 20% down and approved credit. CLICK ON THIS LINK FOR A FULL PHOTO SET AND CONTACT INFORMATION www.bobosrodsandcustoms.com 1969-firebird-convertible



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