For sale by Owner

FOR SALE by Owner- EXTREME Fixer-upper and or LOT House is Located in los Molinos CA 698sqft 2 bdrm 1 bath remodeled in 1976 Been sitting empty since 1998 I m not gonna sugar coat it the House is a MESS. Through out the years the windows have been broken and the weather and Squatters and the ocassional teenage social gatherings the place is a GROSS MESS That said Some of the structure is sound. This place is located on a quiet End(Most of the time) of street all the houses around it are well maintained it sits just blocks from Los Molinos High School & Los Molinos Elementry School. The Property Is Valued at 30 000.00LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION 20 000.00CASH FIRM- serious enquiries ONLY-PLEASE Go BY and see Its WIDE OPEN contact me at cheryllynnj62(at) pictures -i wasnt able to download them here - if serious-House is always open we cant lock it - do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers



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