Just think ....although we are just starting a beautiful summer it is not too soon to begin thinking about a high end wood stove. This is one of America s very best wood stoves ever created. Period. This legendary Vermont Casting s Vigilant is simply one of the most famous and sought after free standing non-catalytic wood stoves there is. And it is in exquisite condition A one owner beauty with spark screen all manuals literature and receipts Slightly less that it s big brother the Defiant the Vigilant measures 32 H x 28 w x 20 deep which make it VC s second largest stove and arguably one of their most efficient. This woodstove is in excellent condition and ready to install and use Crafted here in the USA with over 400 lbs of high density cast iron NO cheap Asian junk . Top HD steel grill for steamers cooking and front top loading features with the side control damper engaging the renowned high efficiency long burn mode 12 HR. burn time . Producing a conservative 55 000 btu hr it eagerly awaits 20 logs. The dedicated spark screen allows the fireplace effect along with an abundance of radiant heat Standard vertical horizontal 8 flue collar a set of optional mitten racks along with a boxed set of side warming shelves worth 250.00 and the lower and rear heat shields another 200.00 value . Today s base price on this stove is nearly 2 900.00 ...... Own this like new legendary Vermont Casting VIGILANT for just 775.00 or make a reasonable offer NO texting as my phone is just a phone. Cannot text so simply call....that s all.



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