Franz Porcelain "Endless Beauty" Giraffe Sculptural Tray

Franz Porcelain s Endless Beauty Giraffe Collection Tray is a gorgeous and evocative celebration of Motherly tenderness in the animal kingdom The beloved long-necked giraffe is captured nuzzling her adorable infant in an expression of intimacy from the untamed wild. Crafted from flawless Asian porcelain and hand-painted to achieve its stunning realistic flow of color. An exquisite centerpiece for your table or breath-taking work of art on shelf or mantle Brand new in the original box with all papers. No chips cracks crazing or fading - colors are bright and crisp Item FZ01369 Also called the Jungle Beauties CollectionTray measures approximately 18 inches high and 16 inches wide. Glaze is food safe. Retails elsewhere for 700 or more. Box is slightly distressed - seams have come unglued.



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