2012 Chevrolet Tahoe LT

This 2012 Chevrolet Tahoe LT is offered to you for sale by Patriot GMC Hyundai. With the CARFAX Buyback Guarantee this pre-owned vehicle comes with peace of mind standard. Treat yourself to an SUV that surrounds you with all the comfort and conveniences of a luxury sedan. Opulent refinements married with exceptional engineering make this the kind of car you ll want to own for a lifetime. Simply put this Four Wheel Drive is engineered with higher standards. Enjoy improved steering superior acceleration and increased stability and safety while driving this 4WD Chevrolet Tahoe LT. More information about the 2012 Chevrolet Tahoe The Tahoe Tahoe Hybrid and Suburban are all sturdy full-size trucks oriented toward carrying heavy loads of passengers or cargo and towing large trailers. Both V8 engines provide strong performance while the Tahoe and Suburban handle much better--even around town--than their mammoth exterior might suggest. In addition the Tahoe Hybrid remains one of the most efficient full-size SUVs yet fully capable of heavy loads and tow duty. This model sets itself apart with quiet refined interior available luxury features available seating for up to nine Towing and hauling ability ride and handling and fuel-saving hybrid drivetrain available



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