2001 Custom Weld Cobra SE

2001 CustomWeldCobraSE -Airride seats -Swim platform with ladder -350 fuel injected Chevy -A309 AmericanTurbine pump -Honda kicker motor 4 stroke 10HP -New canvas roof -New plastic windows -New steering cables new rack and pinion -Fish finder -Heater -Bilge pump -11 degree hull no dents or scratches -Tandem Custom trailer Hull has no dents or scratches interior is in excellent shape.Replaced front section of canvas roof replaced steering cables rack and pinion replaced wind shield wiper motor and horn.Serviced engine on regular basis with minimal hours.Included with the boat will 10 HP kicker motor two large tubes ropes wake board knee board skiis.Selling boat because kids have moved away. 37 000CAD 29 000 USD www.caboats.com used-boats 9483.htm



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