Toyhauler--2011 Heartland Road Warrior 395RW listing -118446098Nonstandard Upgrades Added Splendide washer dryer combo Satellite TV System with auto seek (DirecTV) Master bedroom TV Roof vent hoodsSpecifications Sleeps 10 (3 queen extra large loft sofa) 3 slideouts Length 41 2 12-ft garage 3 axles Air Conditioning 15000 BTU Heater 35000 BTUHolding Tanks Fresh Water Capacity 100 gal Gray Water Capacity 82 gal Black Water Capacity 82 gal Propane Capacity 14.2 gal (2 20-lb) Water Heater Tank 12 galInterior Features Air Conditioning Kitchen Dinette Pedestal Table Interior Flooring Carpet Vinyl Master Bedroom 2 Bathrooms (1 full 1 half) 2 TVs DVD Player Fold-down seating with pedestal table in rear LoftExterior Features Patio Awning Pull-down bug screen for ramp openingAlso for Sale for an additional 3 000 Park-It 360 Transformer remote-controlled dolly products electric-trailer-mover-5th-wheel



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