AVS VILLAS Best Plots For Investment with Best Offer Hosur IT P

An Introduction A landmark 100 acres Gated Community Residential Layout from AVS Villas with state of the art Hi-tech amenities well suited for the present generation. We have provided a Club House spread across 3 acres of land making it one of the biggest club house in Hosur apart from this we also provide all basic amenities like Individual Water Connection with over head tank Individual Drainage Sewage Parks Children Play Area temple etc to name a few. The approach roads we provide are 60 feet 50 feet 40 feet and 30 feet. We have sites ranging from 1500 Sft to 2800 Sft.Apart from these Titan Industries have purchased 10 acres of land from us for their Aeronautical Engine Manufacturing Plant thus making your small investment fetching you a huge benefit within a very short span of time.These are the developments inside the layout but what about the surrounding areas and developments around this layout



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