2013 Ford Econoline E-350

PRICE REFLECTS CURRENT HIGH BID AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME DURING THE ONGOING AUCTION Online Auction for Government Surplus - Auction Ends 4 22 19 - to view auction details go to s www.govdeals.com index.cfm fa Main.Item& itemID 21& acctid 12714 2013 Ford E-350 XL Super Duty Extended 15 Passenger Van. 5.4L V8 4-speed automatic transmission. Vehicle is in running condition There is stains on seats floor ceiling scratches and scuffs on all sides of vehicle scuffs and scratches on mirrors scratches and paint chips on hood scratches on both bumpers scratches on doors and above all tire wells rust starting on tire wells wear on steering wheel dent and paint chip on right rear quarter panel and rust beginning on bottom of doors. VIN 1FBSS3BL7DDA68939Miles 63 050 GovDeals.com is the online auction platform where you can bid on and buy government surplus.



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