PartTime Merchandising Rep

Retail Merchandising Services Inc. (RMS) a national merchandising company servicing various retailers has an immediate opening for a Part-Time Merchandising Representative in your area Description As an employee of RMS you would be assigned to work in retail stores on a weekly bi-weekly and or one-time basis. You would be responsible for servicing retail stores within a 15-mile radius of your home address and can expect part-time varying hours from week to week.Benefits You will enjoy flexible scheduling and can choose the day time you service each week Paid on the job and online training Field specialists available to answer your questions by phone or email Convenient online and mobile reporting Bi-weekly pay with the option of direct deposit Quarterly bonus incentive program Employee referral bonus program RMS Merchandisers complete a variety of tasks such as Stock and organize product on the salesfloor Audit to ensure product is placed in the correct spot on the salesfloor Place stickers or signs on product Data collection Product knowledge training Display set up and more Minimum Qualifications Have reliable transportation to commute to assigned store(s) and all other retailers within a 15-mile radius of your home Internet access with downloading and printing capabilities Regular access to a smart device with an iOS or Android operating system that includes a data plan and ability to download an app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store Email address and regular access to a phone with voicemail capability Digital photo capabilities Successfully pass a criminal background check and a motor vehicle screening Excellent organizational and communication skills Ability to meet and adhere to deadlines Merchandising experience is preferred To view open stores and apply for this position please visit our website at and submit your application through the Careers tab.



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