2012 BMW X5 xDrive35i

BMW of Freeport Mini of Freeport is honored to present a wonderful example of pure vehicle design... this 2012 BMW X5 35i only has 47 990 miles on it and could potentially be the vehicle of your dreams Rest assured when you purchase a vehicle with the CARFAX Buyback Guarantee you re getting what you paid for. Off-road or on the street this BMW X5 35i handles with confidence. With amenities and luxuries befitting a modern day king this splendorous coach reigns supreme. Navigate through all the icky weather with ease in this AWD-equipped BMW X5 and even get non-stop traction for your non-stop lifestyle In addition to the amazing traction control you may even qualify for an insurance reduction with this AWD vehicle. With less than 47 990 miles on this BMW X5 you ll appreciate the practically showroom newness of this vehicle. More information about the 2012 BMW X5 BMW s X5 offers seating for seven with high-tech on- and off-road capabilities. And with all-new styling as well as a host of refinements for 2011 the package has become even tighter. Although it ranks among the more expensive SUVs in its class it s a strong competitor offering a wide range of options not found on the Acura MDX Lexus RX 350 or Mercedes-Benz M-class. This model sets itself apart with BMW luxury and build quality standard all-wheel drive new more powerful engines.



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