2013 BMW 3 Series 328i xDrive

Looking for a clean well-cared for 2013 BMW 3 Series This is it. CARFAX BuyBack Guarantee is reassurance that any major issues with this vehicle will show on CARFAX report. You know exactly what you are getting when you purchase a Certified Pre-Owned like this BMW 3 Series. You could spend more on fuel each month than on your vehicle payments so why not consider one with exceptional fuel economy like this 2013 BMW 3 Series. When driving an all wheel drive vehicle such as this BMW 3 Series 328i xDrive superior acceleration traction and control come standard. Only BMW of Freeport Mini of Freeport could offer you a BMW 3 Series with mileage this low on such a popular vehicle. More information about the 2013 BMW 3 Series The BMW 3-Series is a family of sporty sedans wagons coupes and convertibles--all sized at what would be considered a compact car in the U.S. 2013 BMW 3-Series Sedans and Sports Wagon models are built on a new-generation (F30) platform that made its debut with the 2012-model sedan--and is slightly longer lower and wider while Coupe and Convertible 3-Series models remain built on the previous platform. Across its entire lineup the 3-Series models stand out for being athletic responsive and fun to drive--as well as more fuel-efficient than most other alternatives. Also last year s redesign brought more back-seat space and cargo space to sedans as well as a more sophisticated isolated ride. M3 models meanwhile continue to be one of the most practical high-performance cars on the market. Interesting features of this model are compact size and maneuverability long list of appearance packages and trims athletic driving feel fuel efficiency high-tech options A wide variety of options and practicality and comfort



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