1995 Dodge Viper

This is a beautiful collector quality Generation 1 Viper RT 10 finished in Viper Black with Grey leather and black dash. This 2 owner 12K original mile car has been well cared for and up to date on service. With 400 Horsepower and a six speed manual transmission power and performance is not an issue Upgrades include Gen 2 five spoke alloys K & N filters with smooth tubes 4 stainless exhaust with Sean Roe mufflers and high flow cats tastefully upgraded stereo system with no interior modifications and short throw shifter. Stock parts and original wheels are available and included with the purchase if requested. Stop by and see it in person their are no disappointments on this one Body Roadster Color Black Stock ID 160404 VIN 1B3BR65E0SV200387 californiacars.com product 1995-dodge-viper



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