Cowboy Keith - 3 years in foster care - Male American Shorthair

Application References and Adoption Fee RequiredPlease visit us at for more information about our rescue. Keith is being fostered in Lancaster Pa. He is neutered vaccinated tested negative for FIV FeLV and has been treated with flea and worm preventatives.June 2013 Keith is a big lover boy He is super affectionate and attention seeking. He turns to mush in your arms and loves to cuddle Keith and Kyley were rescued with their 4 kittens. Their previous family no longer wanted them. He is about 6 years old.He likes to play with toys but likes to be lazy with his foster family too. He is good with other cats and would do best with no dogs. Keith was hit by a car about a week before he was surrendered to the rescue and had been hit by a car at least once prior. He is an absolute survivor He is now all healed up and has no residual problems. He does walk a little a funny but it doesn t slow him down at all UPDATE June 2016 Our sweet handsome Keith is now about 9 years old and still waits for a forever home. He is mellow and calm and SO easy to love Keith is a major cuddler who looks forward to his snuggle time. When you cant be home he is content to lay around in a sunny window all day. He loves attention from his people and is a total lover. He still plays with toys sometimes but mostly he follows the sunshine from window to window. He is a couch potato who looks forward to watching TV with you and hearing you tell him about your day. He is great with other cats as long as they aren t a big tough guy like he is Keith will always think he s the big man on campus. He might not be as good as he once was but he s as good once as he ever was (You know how the song goes ) He wants a home where he can relax and be loved. In his foster home he has a gaggle of female foster siblings that adore him and he is a good role model for the young males that have come and gone from his foster home. We love our Cowboy Keith and we are SO ready for him to get the loving foster home he deserves Keith is healthy and happy he still has his sweet slow swagger from prior injuries but never seems to be in pain. If you give him a chance he will stroll right into your heart and make himself at home Keith s adoption fee is 50Please contact us if you are considering adopting Keith He is a great kitty Visit this organization s web site to see any additional information available about this pet. Please visit our sweet kitties at the Fruitville Pike Petsmart in Lancaster PA on Saturdays from 1 30-3 30pm. If you are interested in a specific cat or kitten please email first to see if it will be shown that day.Please email us at ---XX(at)---XX for more information.Kitty Colony is a 501c3 non profit organization and all donations are tax deductible. ... More Info



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