1959 Chevrolet Biscayne

Check out those fins This is a very cool modified 1959 Biscayne finished in a light cream and metallic gold two tone paint with comfortable grey cloth interior Chrome dash accents Lokar automatic floor shifter high end Pioneer touch screen stereo with I Phone adapter Sirius Radio and back up camera. Mechanical and suspension upgrades include a 350 V8 Crate engine Turbo 350 automatic transmission close ratio power steering Hydro-boost 4 wheel disc brake system with drilled rotors Global west tubular control arms Hotchkis Suspension and sway bars and 20 and 22 Intro wheels to finish off the stance. What a sweet ride Body 2 Door Hardtop Color Tan Stock ID 160306 VIN A59L178429 californiacars.com product 1959-chevrolet-biscayne



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