2008 Four Winds Hurricane

2008 32 hurricane class A motorhome made by Four Winds. Front living room middle kitchen rear bedroom. Has dinette and couch in living area front seats swivel to face living area. Bathroom has sink toilet and shower. Bedroom has queen bed. 2 slide outs one in living area other in bedroom. Plenty of cherry cabinets through out. 3 way refrigerator gas water heater. 2 rooftop air conditioners one in living area one in bedroom. Rubber roof plenty of basement storage full awning. Self leveling 4 corner jacks. Rear camera. Ford V-10. Also available at additional cost is a 2004 Chevy Tracker 4X4 83 131 miles 4 cylinder automatic. Set up to tow behind motorhome never been towed but 18 miles home from hitch install. 1 year left on the extended warranty. - See more at www.rvregistry.com used-rv 1012900.htm sthash.4SgcByIv.dpuf



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