My Credit Overhaul - Credit Repair

Credit Repair Experts helping a new generation get the good credit score they deserve with affordable prices and flexible plans that will work for you Call or email today and get a free quote Amazing prices right now Visit Call 800-644-8020 Fax 303-952-7830 Email lea(at) According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) every single thing that is added to your credit report must be fair and accurate. That s where I come in I will write the 3 major bureaus - TransUnion Equifax and Experian - every single month on your behalf and dispute all negative items we can fight using the FCRA. Along the way they will respond to my letters and you will give me all this correspondence I will then respond back to the bureau s using laws and information you provide to continue the dispute. They can be stubborn but I will be diligent in my responses. I take pride in my job and will work hard for you. I will help you do your part as well to make sure to continue to build your positive credit because let s not forget 35% of your score is GOOD credit.



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