Edmonds Dental Office for Lease

Newly available dental office for lease in Edmonds along Edmonds Way. Monument and building signage available along Edmonds Way. This is great opportunity to save on time and money for build out costs. The space was renovated 7 years ago with high-end finishes. Approximately 1 650 sq. ft. with 3 fully built out with operatories (easily expand to 4 or 5 ops) reception waiting area patient restroom 2 restrooms lab sterile pano room doctors office and staff lounge. There is opportunity to expand an additional 850 sq. ft. Plenty of parking in plaza. Dental equipment not included. The Landlords are highly motivated and will consider any serious offer. 23.50 NNN per sq. ft. Contact Steve Kikikis at steve(at)omni-pg.com



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