1996 Tiffin Allegro Bay

1996 28 Allegro Bay diesel puller. Drives very easy Oldie by goodie. 13 MPG. Recent Batteries New commode and bathroom floor new alternator starter new fuel pump and injectors. 76 319 miles. -The living area has a couch and dinette that can convert into a bed along with overhead and underneath storage. The Kitchen area contains over-head and underneath storage as well as a double sink Sharp Carousel Microwave Magic Chef 3-Burner oven with a hood vent above and a Norcold 2-door refrigerator. The bathroom area includes a toilet tub shower with curtain and utility holder mirror vanity with storage and towel racks. The bedroom which is divided from the kitchen with an accordion sliding door for privacy is appointed with a queen bed with wardrobe space along with cabinets above and below the bed beside which is a nightstand with drawers. Watch TV on a Magnavox DVD TV combo. The unit has one AC unit electric outlets by side door cable TV and telephone jacks hookups. - See more at www.floridarvc.com listings 1996-tiffin-allegro-bay Florida RV Center 8653 Pensacola Blvd. Pensacola FL 32534 or Call 850-505-0045 for more information.



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