Nice 2 bedroom at Capitolio ideal to rent on airbnb

2 bedrooms apartment 1 minut walking to Capitolio one of the most visited areas of the city.Rooms - 2 double bedrooms (4x4 meters and 4 x 6 metes).- bathroom.- kitchen- living room- backyardThe apartment has an overall good state and it s a great choice ofr investment. Since it s so close to Capitolio looks much nicer than the properties on this area.It s a third floor but there s no elevator at the building.If you look at airbnb you can see that the daily average price use to be around 81 (around 90 ) so if you rent it 20 days per month you would get 1800 month. A pretty good invest.Also take into account only cubans can buy properties so you have to be cuban or be married with a cuban or trust into a cuban person.



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