700 studio in Richland County

Call 201-845-7300 for more information. Sublet.com Listing ID 2512154. HURRY FOR THIS EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY Rental Amount 700.00 (JUST REDUCED )Bedrooms Studio apartmentBaths 1Total square footage UnavailableAvailable NowThis unit features Kitchen with a full size refrigerator stove with a cooktop and oven built in microwave and extended counter space for diningWork deskOne large bedSpecial features Recently renovatedFurnishedUtilities includedWeekly cleaningFree WIFIOn site maintenance staffFree local callingPest control includedShort term long term leases availableSchool information Elementary A C Moore - Approximately 1.72 miles awayMiddle Hand - Approximately 1.61 miles awayHigh Dreher - Approximately 2.48 miles awayConveniently located approximately 3 minutes away from USC6 minutes away from downtown Columbia11 minutes away from Ft Jackson15 minutes away from Columbia Metropolitan AirportAnd minutes away from shopping dining and more Click here for more information about the City of Columbia For more details .



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