Toronto Estate Sale Online Auction - Granby Street

WILL SELL by Thursday April 18 2019 8 30 PM Toronto Estate Sale Online Auction - Granby StreetThis online auction features ART Signed originals limited edition prints framed tapestries wall hangings silkscreens African and Eastern sculptures. MCM - Chrome dining table and chairs sofas teak lateral file cabinet stereo cabinet chest coffee table ice bucket and serving set and more CARPETS Hand knitted. VINTAGE Singer 222K Sewing Machine and Eatons catalogs. STERLING SILVER Candlesticks salt and pepper Birks salts coasters .800 forks and spoons hand mirror. Pewter. Waterford crystal stemware and more. Copper mixing bowls and pans tray table. FURNITURE Gibbard campaign style King bedroom suite from the Brigadier Collection. COLLECTIBLE MANY LP s 45 s art pottery boxes eggs stamps Fire King luster ware carved animals and more ELECTRONIC Fischer stereo components computers and accessories printers and much more Please view catalog and pictures online at MaxSold (s auction 15477 utm_source utm_medium post& utm_campaign Toronto-GranbyStreet). Everything will SELL BY Thursday April 18 2019 8 30 PM regardless of price - everything starts at just 1. For more information please visit our website.This is an online auction We do not sell nor ship privately.



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