2003 Holiday Rambler Navigator 40PBT

41 2003 Holiday Rambler Navigator 40PBT has the powerful Cummins ISM500 Diesel Engine with only 78 042 miles 6 Speed Allison Transmission 3 Slides GVW 47 600 295 80R22.5 Tires Front Tires 2014 Back Tires 2010 Battery Year 2014 ONAN 10K Generator Hours 1355. Nice and Clean Non-Smoking Unit Owners Manual included. Call for more information. Thanks - See more at www.floridarvc.com listings 2003-holiday-rambler-navigator-40pbt Florida RV Center 8653 Pensacola Blvd. Pensacola FL 32534 or Call 850-505-0045 for more information.



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