2014 BMW X3 xDrive28i

BMW of Freeport Mini of Freeport has a wide selection of exceptional pre-owned vehicles to choose from including this 2014 BMW X3. CARFAX BuyBack Guarantee is reassurance that any major issues with this vehicle will show on CARFAX report. We at BMW of Freeport Mini of Freeport are very meticulous. This hand-selected Certified Pre-Owned vehicle has surpassed our own standards and requirements. Do so much more with one vehicle. This BMW X3 gives you everything you need an automobile to be. Enjoy driving Well now you will get more thrills behind the wheel thanks to the heightened performance of AWD. Better handling. Better traction. Better driving experience. More information about the 2014 BMW X3 The X3 is one of the quickest and most nimble-handling of the compact luxury-brand crossovers yet it s also one of the most fuel-efficient in 4-cylinder xDrive28i form. The sensible yet stylish cabin strikes a great balance between plush comfort and practical family sensibilities and it has one of the more comfortable back seats in its class while the number of useful high-tech features and driver aids is impressive. Strengths of this model include long list of technology features and upgrades very fuel-efficient compared to other crossovers (28i) Quick and nimble and comfortable well-appointed cabin



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