2012 Crownline Eclipse 2

Here we have a 2012 Crownline Boats Eclipse 2. This boat is an awesome deal as it has only 39.7 hours and has been very well maintained and cared for. This boat has a little something for everyone with a pressure water system and marine head holding tank and the versatility of the deck boat style providing room for a family or a party. This boat would be great for the weekender that wants to escape for a few hours on their spare time either with or without the kids as it can easily provide an exciting experience for tubing with the Mercruiser 5.0 powerhouse pushing it across the water. Features Length 22 6 Beam 8 6 Weight 4400 lbs.Capacity 13 persons 2065 lbs.Engine Mercruiser 5.0Color Blue WhiteTrailer HeritageGray Water SystemPressure Water SystemSony Stereo SystemMarine Head Holding TankBimini TopCustom Snap Cover Since this boat is everything you want and need call us at 734-449-4706 and come down to pick up your new boat



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