Adorable Shipoo puppies now ready

We specialize in 1st generation puppies that are well mannered with sweet dispositions and wonderful temperament We are private licensed breeder (not a pet store or broker) offering a variety of designer puppies including Yorkiepoo Multipoo (Maltese-toy poodle) Shiapoo (Shihtzu-toy poodle) Shorkie (Shihtzu-Yorkie) and Miniature Pinscher (Min Pin) puppies when available.Our pups are socialized with children and other fur pets and most are non-shedding and hypo-allergenic We strive for the crate training right away making it easier for new families Our fur kids receive a series of vaccinations including Kennel Cough vaccine and dewormings.All of our pups come with a customized puppy kit that includes familiar toys current puppy food and vitamin samples doggie treats hand sanitizer puppy care guide health record with written guarantee and much more Price s start at 750.00 and we accept cash VISA and Mastercard. Please visit us at for more information and additional pictures of our available fur kids. Contact us by phone (513) 470-6009 or (513) 738-1292. You may also email us at aztecican(at) Please be certain that you and your family are ready for the responsibility of a new addition.Please use caution when doing transactions online avoid scams Buy locally and meet the breeder in person if possible



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