Dell T5400 Workstation rental Chennai ideal solution for designe

Dell Precision T5400 Workstation rental Chennai ideal solution for designers. the Dell Precision T5400 lets you power through complex tasks and complete your projects faster than the previous generation. Processor Intel Xeon Quad Core Chipset Intel 5400 Chipset RAM Up to 24GB4 DDR3 SDRAM at 1333Mhz Video Card Support for 2 PCI Express x16 Gen 2 graphics cards up to 150 watts (total) Disk Drive CD-RW DVD Combo DVD-ROM DVD -RW Blu-ray Disc USB Floppy Drive USB media card reader Hard disk drive Up to 2000GB SATA hard drive (7200RPM. Contact us Globalnet technologies Mobile no 91 90360 10005 Office no 080-65707504 Email address enquiry(at)



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