2006 Rexhall Aerbus

Length 32 feet Year 2006 Make Rexhall Model Aerbus Miles 13 966 Interior Color NA Exterior Color NA Slides 2 8.1 liter 502 cubic inch workhorse Banks system and programmer Allison four speed transmission with overdrive Hydraulic air dual leveling system Back up camera Generator 6 gallon water heater 96 gallon fresh water tank 60 gallon waste tank 60 gallon grey tank 29 gallon Lp tank Dual a c and heating ducted Driver has its own door Side by side refrigerator and freezer Microwave convection combo Four burner stove and oven 2000 watt inverter Bath has glass shower door and sky light 2 solar panels ladder and luggage rack Outside shower Two power slide outs Michelin tires with 1626 miles also comes with spare tire and carrier Upgraded sway bar Ride rite air bags Large main awning plus window awnings Basement model with lighted storage Two tv s one in front and one in rear bedroom Pet and smoke free in great condition. See more at www.rvregistry.com used-rv 1010854.htm



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