Sumukha is now Offering post discharge services cover at Jayanag

Sumukha Nursing Services is a leading home care provider in Bangalore and other parts of country Since 2001.Our parent company name is Sumukha Facilitators Pvt. Ltd..We have built our reputation and tradition of compassionate care Professional integrity and commitment . We have been the trusted home health care for thousands of patients families and seniors for last 15 years.Sumukha post discharge services coverObservation-focused care Vitals monitoring (pulse BP and others) Patient complaints redressal clinical examination of symptomatic organ systems Medication reconciliation and management Feedback to referral doctor For more details please come down to below address or contact us at 080-22441963 8095990811 SUMUKHA FACILITATORS PVT. LTD. Corporate Office No. 477 1st Floor 45th Cross (Near Sangam Circle) Jayanagar 8th Block Bangalore-560082



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