Mattresses-Brand new from Factory (USA) FREE Shipping to your do MATTRESSES-PILLOWS-SHEETS-POWER ADJUSTABLE BASES 25% off your entire order and FREE NATIONWIDE SHIPPING Use Promo Code Sleep American Made Mattresses-Finest quality components-shipped direct from the factory to your door.FREE SHIPPING All Sanya Sleep Mattresses are made to order. We never have them Rolled Packed (compressed rolled and boxed) and sitting in a warehouse. When you purchase a Sanya Sleep Mattress we make it Roll Pack it and ship it directly to your door anywhere in the Continental US.....FREE Unlike Imported Roll Packed mattresses which are compressed for 4-6 months before you receive the product resulting in higher levels of off gassing and smell Sanya Sleep Mattresses are made to order. With Sanya Sleep you will get a fresher safer and healthier mattress for you and your family. We do not manufacture and sell just one model like many of the Internet brands. We are NOT an Internet Brand. We have many types of mattresses feels and price points so you can find the perfect Mattress at the Perfect Price. We use the best materials available when we build your mattress compare our specs and prices to anything online and you ll see the difference. At Sanya Sleep we incorporate the latest in high quality high performance foams including Copper infused memory foam Gel infused memory Slow recovery memory and Serene foams. All Sanya Sleep mattresses are Engineered and Constructed to produce the finest low pressure sleep surface while providing superior support. Our Copper and Gel infused Memory Foams ease pressure and help to regulate and maintain the perfect sleeping temperature. Use Promo code Sleep at check out for 25% discount. Limited time buy now Check us out at 1.844.748.2085



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