Your Guarden Angle

My name is Corey Rich I was born in the year of 1996. I am married and I have twin boys on the way and are due in October. I am currently a college student. I am taking public speaking small business management personal finance and Microsoft word. I have my G.E.D which I have received in military school called Florida Youth Challenge Academy . ( FLYCA) I have experience with Kids ages from the ranges of one - 12. I have volunteered at a Boys And Girls Club in Martin county FL for 3yrs. I have Babysitting for multiple families for a few days where I would stay with the child and tend to household chores. I would have small snack lunch ready for the child and activities. I have no problem taking them to the parks and movies or even their friends house and of course with your permission. If your child likes to swim or anything that has relations with water. I am a certified Life-Guard at Kelly Park Rock Springs. I am certified in CPR 1st-Aid Waterfront AED....



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