Beautiful St. Louis

This beautiful New 3 Bed 2 Bath home has a gorgeous floor pattern The kitchen is user friendly with a large pantry. The nice sized Master Bedroom is equipped with a huge walk-in closet located in the Master Bathroom. Double vanity sinks and a very comfortable tub are all included with this fantastic home Another treasure to this home is that the second bedroom measures in at a whopping 9 x 14 10 Come see what all the BUZZ is about. CALL TO SET AN APPOINTMENT OR STOP BY FOR A FREE CONSULTATION We at Orleans Housing LLC. are focused on getting you the Best Built Manufactured Home of your dream. We have several Homes to choose from on the lot and special orders 2 3 4 Bedrooms 2 and 2 1 2 Baths options available 4 Manufactured Home Consultants to answer all your questions with NO PRESSURE Friendly Family environment. Let us help you get the Home of your dreams. We can build to your specification using the Floorplans we have available. Financing options available of your choice. Let us help you get in the Home that you Love. View Lot Inventory at Melissa HillManufactured Home ConsultantOrleans Housing LLC. 8917 Jacksboro Highway Fort Worth TX 76135 Always Family ... Always Affordable RI License MHDRET00037011Sales License MHSLSP00044092817-759-9142 Office817-896-2807 Cell



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