2013 Chevrolet Malibu LTZ

Looking for a clean well-cared for 2013 Chevrolet Malibu This is it. This vehicle has extremely low miles on the odometer so while it s pre-owned it s practically new. You can finally stop searching... You ve found the one you ve been looking for. The quintessential Chevrolet -- This Chevrolet Malibu LTZ speaks volumes about its owner about uncompromising individuality a passion for driving and standards far above the ordinary. More information about the 2013 Chevrolet Malibu The all-new Malibu competes with mid-size 4-door sedans like the Toyota Camry Honda Accord Ford Fusion and Hyundai Sonata but with its 2013 redesign the Malibu is being reconfigured more toward busy always-connected parents and those who place a priority on fuel efficiency. For that at somewhat less than the Camry Hybrid or Fusion Hybrid the Malibu ECO stands out as a strong value--especially for those who plan to do more mileage on the highway. The Malibu should also hit the mark for shoppers who want a fresh design as well as those who need to stay connected. Design-wise the Malibu looks fresh and up-to-date with the rest of the Chevrolet lineup. And with the standard MyLink system drivers can get simple hands-free calling functions as well as entertainment through streaming-audio apps. This model sets itself apart with fresh contemporary styling MyLink connectivity improved ride and handling high-mileage Malibu ECO model and Fuel-efficient powertrains Every new and pre-owned vehicle is backed by the Crain Commitment including our 100% low price guarantee a 100 hour love it or leave it exchange policy and a 100 year 100 000 mile warranty. The Crain Team s Got Em Give us a call at Crain Hyundai of Bentonvill.



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