1965 Plymouth Barracuda

Up for sale is my 1965 Plymouth Barracuda. I bought this car when I was 16 and have owned it for almost 15 years. and have done an extensive amount of work to it. The car is currently garaged in Ventura CA.I have removed certain components that were not in-use. Most were removed from the firewall or the interior under the dash (e.g. heater fan heater core etc ). I did this in order to really clean under the dash when the new wiring harness was installed. I have all of these parts in boxes and will be included them with the sale. Pictures of all original parts have been posted and ALL parts will be included with final sale.The car was just gone through completely by one of the best shops in my area Pacific Carburetor of Ventura CA. They professionally dialed-in the ignition and air-fuel system. Car starts up every time. No overheating issues whatsoever.The car has had the following done to it Engine 273 ci. V8 - Professionally rebuilt in Los Angeles less than 1000 miles. Transmission Torqueflite 904 Professionally rebuilt by Aamco in San Luis Obispo less than 1000 miles. Entire car has been rewired (from headlights to taillights) with brand new Kwikwire wiring harness. All electrical connections were made by me with heatshrunk waterproofed connectors. All wiring in heat-sensitive locations wrapped in asphalt tubing to prevent damage. Brand new Digital gauges from Intellitronix and custom gauge bezel installed. Includes GPS Speedometer Tachometer oil pressure fuel temperature and voltage sensors. Brand new Spal electric cooling fan. Turns on automatically via temperature sensor. Aluminum radiator Brand New Stainless Steel coolant overflow tank Brand New Thermostat Brand New Battery Brand New MSD spark plug wires MSD Electronic Ignition Ready-To-Run Billet Distributor Brand New MSD Ignition coil Brand New Edelbrock 650cfm carburetor with electric choke Offenhauser aluminum intake manifold Brand new one-wire alternator Brand new lightweight Summit Racing starter K& N air filter Brand new Battery Custom designed welded true dual exhaust with Flowmaster 40 series mufflers from original manifolds to exhaust tips. Interior carpeting Black New aluminum gas tank Rebuilt Suspension with added sway bar Boyd Coddington Fury Billet Aluminum 17 wheels Included old original parts Radiator Radiator Fan Heater Wiring Harness Fuse Box Starter Alternator Gauge bezel & gauges I have receipts for most all purchases and will include any other documentation I have.



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