Summer - Female Shepherd (Unknown Type) Mix

Please contact Ali Porter (-X(at)--------) for more information about this pet.Summer Lovin SUMMER NEEDS A FOSTER OR A FOREVER HOME Name Summer Breed Shepherd mix Approximate Age 8 weeks as of 7 29 16 SEX female Approximate Weight 12 pounds Has Lived With dogs Currently Living at A scary shelter in rural South Carolina. Summer can t wait to come to D.C. to find her forever family. Special Adoption Considerations Need Frequent Potty Breaks Socialization Commitment to Spay by 6 Months. Meet Summer This beautiful 8-week-old shepherd mix girl can t wait to meet you As sweet as can be and around 12 pounds she is very kind energetic and affectionate toward everyone she meets She gets along well with dogs but we haven t had a chance to see her interact with kids or cats yet. If you have them let us know and we ll find out more. Summer has a playful active and curious personality and will need mental and physical stimulation on a daily basis. Summer is still a puppy and she will need a committed owner to provide training and exercise to be a well-behaved dog. Like most puppies Summer will need to work on her housetraining. Summer will also need to go to obedience school so she can grow into a well-socialized dog Just remember I m an active little lady so I ll need someone keepin an eye out for me during the day. I m bummed to say if you work a 9-5 job outside the home I may not be the best fit for you and if you want to adopt you ll need to provide proof of a multi-times a day dog walker to come visit me while you are gone Due to a puppy s need for attention and frequent bathroom excursions we do not adopt dogs under 5 months of age to homes where no one is home during the day. This means no 9-5ers unless you commit to hiring a dog walker to come multiple times a day. Summer is not old enough to have had all of her vaccines. It will be your responsibility as the adopter to ensure that the remaining puppy vaccines are given at the appropriate time. Please also keep in mind that until your puppy is fully vaccinated she is at greater risk for illness than an adult dog. Due to her young age Summer has not yet been spayed. As part of the adoption contract it will be your responsibility as the adopter to ensure that this is done no later than 12 3 16. Summer is dreaming of finding a warm and loving forever home All she needs is a caring person or family to give her all the love and care (and treats ) he deserves The adoption fee for this dog is 400 which includes the cost of routine vetting and transport from the shelter. If you are interested in adopting please download our Adoption Questionnaire and email it to Emily Jagdmann at --(at)-------- Thank you for contacting Lucky Dog Animal Rescue and helping to save a life Please visit us online at -.------XX.-. BE A FOSTER Fosters make it possible for Lucky Dog Animal Rescue to save and care for homeless and abandoned dogs To learn about fostering dogs like Summer please contact us at -X(at)-------- BE A SPONSOR Sponsors help Lucky Dog support the many dogs we save. To learn more about sponsorship please contact Emily Jagdmann at --(at)--------



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