Part-time Coffee Demonstrator - Manhattan Beach CA

MCG is looking for Coffee Demonstrators Selling Specialists in the Manhattan CA. area. We are seeking dynamic sales driven candidates to work a year round program with 5 hour shifts on Saturday. Additional days may be added during holidays and sales. Successful demonstrators create excitement and an enhanced customer experience around brewing the perfect cup of coffee or espresso. Demonstrators educate consumers on all aspects of our client s products to achieve daily weekly sales goals. With MCG you can expect great pay RESPONSIBILITIES Engage customers and explain the features and benefits of products. Drive machine sales. Report market intelligence. Stay up to date with product and industry knowledge.REQUIREMENTS Excellent written and verbal communication skills. Must have prior retail sales or like experience. Reliable pc internet access to report survey information. Professional and energetic personality. Must be able to consistently work weekends. Must have reliable transportation.APPLY TODAY AT jobs Enter Keywords Job ID 2016-4511 Must be able to Skype or answer video questions (this will be needed for the interview process only)



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