1.5 BHK Flats in Mohar Pratima Talegaon Dabhade

Mohar Pratima Talegaon Dabhade newly developing luxurious residential apartments offers 2 BHK luxurious flats for Sale. Mohar Pratima Talegaon Dabhade is offers homes in this particular complex are of this category and they are easily affordable for their marginal prices and in short. Mohar Pratiam Talegaon Dabhade Pune offers amenities like gymnasium lush green lawns swimming pools parks and much more. Mohar Pratima Pune offers luxurious 2 BHK flats in 736 sq ft to 758 sq ft area Visit - www.propertypointer.com mohar-pratima talegaon-dabhade puneCall - 8888292222



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