6 Bed 7 Bath house in Studio City for 2999000

Reduced A newly built luxurious beauty 6 beds 7 baths (6220 sq.ft per C of O) gated gem on a side hillside street. This incredible home displays attention to details an elegant foyer leads you to entertainer s paradise where you ll find an elaborate gourmet kitchen with among other features 2 subzero fridges a 6 burners Viking oven center island with chefs warming & freezing drawers wine cooler counters of rare Blue Barracuda granite gorgeously carved cherry cabinets Italian tile floors - all phenomenally suited for entertaining. The kitchen and bar area integrate wit...h the formal dining and family room flowing into the living room all have natural light & views of the surrounding hills. On the upper level game media room & the living quarters 4 beds baths suites plus an enormous master suite w dual fireplace sitting room 2 walk-in closets and a grand master bathroom with luxurious spa tub. Attention given to details Brazilian cherry floors surround sound solid wood doors 3 fireplaces soaring ceiling 5 zone top of the line central air pre-wired cable security cameras. The Jewel in the crown is the salt-water infinity POOL & SPA basking in the hillside views. A separate home-office Studio located off the pool area. 4 car garage. Tammy Jerome Top 1% agents Coldwell Banker Nationwide 818-903-5854 Associate Broker www.tammyjerome.com BRE 00978772



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