CableSatellite Alternative

We offer the best Alternative to all these money grubbing cable companies and satellite providers. With our Firestick programming you will have access to any movie new or old even movies in theatres and all tv shows with all seasons and episodes and you can watch these on demand which means its like netflix to where you can watch whenever you want and you can pause or stop it and watch it later and you can listen to music watch live concerts from your favorite bands watch sports live ppv fights (ufc boxing) cartoons Live tv channels with Hbo Cinnemax Showtime Starz and more included and there is lots of adult content if wanted. If you had all of this on cable or satellite it would probably cost you a 1000 a month but we only charge a one time fee of 80 and no monthly fees or subscriptions. You will see Firesticks made by other people but we are the best at this and can prove it. We take pride in making sure everyone enjoys our programming and Customer service contact us for more info and we can even come to your home for installation and tutorial. Call or Text me at 270-308-7064 and I prefer text but if you call please leave a message.We also offer LIFETIME FREE TECH SUPPORT AND ASSISTANCE through Phone or Email. You will need internet speeds of at least (5 mbps Download Minimum) and the more internet you have the better and you will need a good wireless router for these to work and if you have any internet questions or any questions I will be glad to help.



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