Teach in beijing, china

To Apply visit this link: http:/ / cips.io/ 317bf8 Field Education is a professional training center. The school HQ is located in Beijing city, there are more than 300 campus in many cities arose China. Each candidate is assigned a professional recruiter and a visa handler. We provide bilingual caseworkers to help our candidates get settled in China as they arrive. Job Deion: School Type: Professional Training Centers in Beijing City. Contract Length: 12 Month Contract Schedule: 5 days per week, 2 days o ff. Teaching Hours: There are no more than 40 hours weekly including office hours, no more than 25 teaching h ours weekly. Students: 2-12 years old Classroom fully equipped with computer, projector, whiteboard, and micropho ne Curriculum and teaching materials provided Class Size: Small Size Class Number of headcounts: ONLY 2 (apply RIGHT NOW) Package: Gross Salary Monthly: 20, 000- 26, 000 Base+ 4, 000 RMB Housing Allowance or Free Accommodation



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